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Warwickshire County Council
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Apply or renew
Apply or renew
Apply for an older person’s bus pass
Apply for a disabled person’s bus pass
Renew an older or disabled person’s bus pass
Apply for a school place
Apply for a blue badge
Ceremony fees and giving notice of marriage
Renew a blue badge
Apply for a calibration service
Apply to become a registered venue
Apply for a birth certificate
Apply for a death certificate
Apply for a marriage or civil partnership certificate
Apply for a street cafe licence
Apply for a petrol storage licence
Apply for a skip licence
Apply for an explosives storage licence
Apply for childcare funding
Apply to become a foster carer
Apply for a councillor grants fund
Apply for free school meals
Apply for school transport
Apply to become a school governor
Apply for changes to a right of way
Apply for the home library service
Renew a library item
Apply for a parking permit
Renew a parking permit
Apply for a country parks parking permit
Apply for a dropped kerb
Apply for a roadworks permit
Apply for a street works licence
Apply for private access ('H') road markings
Apply for a temporary structure licence
Apply for a disabled parking bay
Apply for housing-related support
Apply for a vehicle voucher for your local recycling centre
Apply for local funding for your community
Apply to operate from a business centre
Apply for a safe and well visit
Apply for a sports ground fire safety certificate
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Anything further to add? If you have a question about a service, you need to contact them directly or via the switchboard.