Harbury Lane Active Travel connections, Warwick


We are proposing improved connections for walking, wheeling and cycling along two kilometres of Harbury Lane between the A452 Europa Way, Gallows Hill and Heathcote Lane junction and the B4087 Tachbrook Road/Oakley Wood Road junction.

This scheme supports the development of the Strategic Urban Extension to the South of Royal Leamington Spa and Warwick. Construction of 4,500 homes and creation of new community facilities is well underway. Heathcote Primary School opened in 2017, Lower Heathcote local centre shops opened in 2022 and Oakley School will open on site in 2024.

Harbury Lane, once a rural lane, is now an important road providing access to the new homes, schools and businesses. Some walking and cycling routes have already been completed or are under construction within development sites, but there are opportunities to connect these up, provide crossings and ensure that routes are coherent, direct, safe, comfortable and attractive - in line with local aspirations and national design guidance.

The importance of this scheme has been recognised by Active Travel England. In May 2022 it was announced that Warwickshire County Council had secured £1.4million towards this project from the Active Travel Fund.

Scheme description

Proposed measures include:

  • Widening and surfacing of existing path running parallel to Harbury Lane (behind hedge) between Tachbrook Road and Garrett Drive, to create shared use footpath/ cycle track
  • New footways and cycle tracks to connect up existing routes between Garrett Drive and Europa Way
  • New Toucan crossing between Blakemore Drive and Capulet Drive, and upgrades of existing crossings to enable cyclists to cross safely
  • Provision of street lighting on new and upgraded sections of footways, footpaths and cycle tracks

The proposed scheme will be phased and implemented in a series of sections, in order to co-ordinate with delivery timescales for other highway works including access to Oakley School at the B4087 Tachbrook Road/Oakley Wood Road junction and upgrades to the A452 Europa Way, Gallows Hill and Heathcote Lane junction. Phase 1 is scheduled to commence in summer 2024 and includes widening, surfacing and lighting of the path between Tachbrook Road and Earl Rivers Avenue.

Phase 1 construction

The Phase 1 works started on Monday 19 August 2024 and are expected to be completed by the end of 2024.

The works will include the widening, resurfacing, and lighting of the existing footpath running adjacent to Harbury Lane, between Earl Rivers Avenue and the B4087 Tachbrook Road/Oakley Wood Road Junction.

Latest scheme plan (PDF, 1.8 MB)

The works will be undertaken by the County Council’s Highways Contractor – Balfour Beatty Living Places. If you have any queries or concerns over the works while they are being carried out, please contact Balfour Beatty Living Places on 03452 415302.

Phase 1 provisional programme and alternative pedestrian routes

Short sections of footpath will need to be closed for access by construction vehicles and to provide a safe working space for the contractors.

The Council kindly requests that local users respect these closures and use the pedestrian diversions whilst works are underway.  This will help construction work to progress efficiently and minimise disruption to local journeys.

Section 1 (19 August – 6 September): Path between oak tree (opposite Garrett Drive) and Tressel Croft path (opposite Heathcote Park)

View pedestrian diversion plan for Section 1 (PDF, 395 KB)

Section 2 (9 September to 23 September): Path between Tressel Croft path (opposite Heathcote Park) and Cicero Approach

View pedestrian diversion plan for Section 2 (PDF, 414 KB)

Section 3 (24 September to 11 October): Path between Cicero Approach and B4087 Tachbrook Road/ Oakley Wood Road Oakley Wood Road

View pedestrian diversion plan for Section 3 (PDF, 459 KB)

Section 4 (14 October to 22 October): Path between oak tree (opposite Garrett Drive) and Earl Rivers Avenue

View pedestrian diversion plan for Section 4 (PDF, 358 KB)

Section 5 (23 October to 4 November): Grass verge between oak tree (opposite Garrett Drive) and roundabout junction of Harbury Lane and Earl Rivers Avenue

View pedestrian diversion plan for Section 5 (PDF, 358 KB)

Footpath creation agreement

Warwickshire County Council has entered into a Public Path Creation Agreement with Warwick District Council, the effect of which is to create (widen) parts of the path north-east of Harbury Lane, Warwick (running parallel to Harbury Lane between the junctions of Tachbrook Road and Earl Rivers Avenue).  The Agreement took effect on 29 July 2024.

Public Path Creation Agreement (PDF, 1.4MB)

Community engagement

Community engagement on this project took place during August and September 2023.  We are very grateful to everyone who attended the events in Heathcote and Leamington Spa, provided comments by phone or email and/or completed the survey.  Over 50 survey responses were received, with a strong level of support for the proposals. 

View a summary of the community engagement (PDF, 753 KB)

You can view the scheme plans and summary proposals from the 2023 community engagement below:

Scheme designs have been amended to respond to comments and suggestions made during the community engagement.

Other projects

The Harbury Lane Active Travel Connections are part of a wider programme to improve and extend the networks of walking and cycling routes in and around Warwickshire’s towns. The aim is to create a safe and attractive environment for walking, wheeling and cycling, so that they become the natural choices for shorter journeys and outdoor recreation in Warwickshire. Detailed proposals and scheme priorities are set out in the Warwickshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.

Making it easier for people to walk and cycle for short local journeys will also help to tackle congestion, improve air quality, reduce carbon emissions, and support an increase in physical activity.

For more information about Harbury Lane Active Travel Connections and other walking and cycling projects, please contact activetravel@warwickshire.gov.uk

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