What is Warwickshire's SEND local offer?
Warwickshire’s SEND local offer brings together information about the local services and support available across education, health and social care for families with children and young people aged 0 to 25, who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.
Watch the video to find out more about Warwickshire's SEND Local Offer.
Keeping in touch
- Join us on Facebook
- View our latest FIS newsletters (opens in new tab)
- View the latest Warwickshire SEND newsletters (opens in new tab)
- View SEND related services and support from local organisations and groups for families (opens in new tab)
We will also be offering SEND Local Offer guided tours online or at outreach venues to help you find and use the information on the Local Offer. Watch this space for booking information.

Warwickshire SEND Information, Advice and Support Service
Warwickshire SENDIASS provides advice and support around various topics relating to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) for children and young people aged 0-25 living in Warwickshire and their parents or carers.

Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice
Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice (WPCV) is an independent, parent carer led organisation for everyone with a child or children with special educational needs and/or disabilities aged 0 -25. WPCV ensure parent carers are involved when designing services for children/young people and their families.
Add your voice to other Warwickshire parent carers by joining WPCV. They have a steering group of parents who lead this work, listen to the views of parents to make sure they know what is important to them and use this to guide their work.

IMPACT, the Young Person's Forum for SEND
IMPACT meets online & face to face every other Friday, although this pattern responds to the needs of the group and is likely to evolve.
It provides an opportunity for young people aged 13-25 years with SEND to have their say and influence support in Warwickshire.
If you, or someone you know, would like to get involved please complete the online form and we can let you know more information about what is happening and how to get involved.