Lists and registers
Information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the authority.
Public registers and registers held as public records
- Births, deaths, marriages – work is in progress to make index data available online. Historical data is available through the County Records Office
Asset registers
- Land and buildings the council own
- County Records Office – catalogues and databases
- Highway asset management
- Warwickshire open data – List of public data and feeds, available for viewing or reuse
- Fire service data sets – fire statistics including Warwickshire FRS
Disclosure logs
Councillors’ financial and other interests
Register of councillors’ financial and other interests, register of gifts and hospitality – Available to view at Shire Hall County office
Highways, licensing, planning, commons, footpaths etc
- Combined applications and decision register for county council planning applications
- Combined application and decision register for minerals and waste planning applications
- HGV weight restriction
- The list of streets (including Part 1:Streets and Part 2:The Definitive Map and Statement) – available at Warwick Library
- Extracts from the definitive map are available on request and charged. Searches are available and chargeable
- Register of common land – free to view, searches are chargeable
- Register of town and village greens – free to view, searches are chargeable
- Map of roadworks
- Gritting routes
- Road and bridge construction
Register of electors
The register of electors is not held by the County Council, please contact your local district or borough council.