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Cyber Safe Warwickshire

Cyber Safe Warwickshire helps young adults and their parents get the knowledge they need to stay safe online.

Find out more about Cyber Safe Warwickshire.

Internet Matters

Internet Matters has information, advice and resources to help you keep your child safe online. It also contains helpful information and resources for young people with additional needs and their families.


The NSPCC provides information on what sexting is and what the law says, why young people may sext, the risks of sexting and how to talk to your child about sexting. There is also sexting advice available for children and links to a Zipit app which provides children with alternative images to send in response to a request for explicit images.

Further information on Sexting.

YGAM gaming and gambling awareness and information sessions

YGAM offer a free 75-minute gaming and gambling awareness and information session for parents, grandparents and guardians.

The session covers:

  • Gambling: exploring the influences on children and young people
  • Gaming: discussing the benefits and concerns of gaming, including microtransactions
  • Understanding the blurred lines between gaming and gambling
  • Recognising the signs of harm and where to go for support.

YGAM - find out more and book a session

Think U Know

Think U Know is for parents who are concerned about their child’s safety online. There is information and advice on sexual abuse and sexual exploitation, sex, relationships and young people, young people online, for children in care or adopted and for children with additional needs. Clear advice is available on what to do if you have a concern and resources for use with different age groups.

Think U Know - more information.

Online safety

Information from Warwickshire Police on e-safety, internet safety for 8 to 10 years and 11 to 16 years and a cartoon suitable for 5 to 7 years.

Find out more about online safety from Warwickshire Police.

Inclusive Digital Safety Resource Centre

The inclusive digital safety resource centre supports parents, carers and professionals working with children and young people who may be more at risk of online harms.

Inclusive Digital Safety Resource Centre

SEND Online Safety Hub

NSPCC have partnered with Ambitious about Autism to bring online safety tips, advice and activities specifically for parents and carers of children and young people with SEND.

Online safety for families and children with SEND

Staying safe on social media and online

The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities have produced a free guide with tips for people with learning disabilities on how to stay safe in social media and online.

Download your free guide to staying safe on social Media and online

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