Reporting abuse

If you think that an adult with care and support needs is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect, contact us on 01926 412080.

Our adult social care teams can offer advice and support to the person and/or their carers and, where necessary, arrange appropriate services.

Depending on the type of abuse, you may wish to contact Warwickshire Police on 101. If it is an emergency, always dial 999.

What is adult safeguarding?

Safeguarding means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It is about people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect.

At the same time, it is about making sure that the adult’s wellbeing is promoted. This includes, where appropriate, having regard to their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs in deciding on any action.

Who are we trying to help?

Due to illness or disability, many adults may be unable to protect themselves from abuse. Adults with care and support needs include some people from each of the following groups:

  • older people
  • people with learning difficulties
  • people with physical disabilities
  • people with mental ill-health
  • people with a short or long-term illness.

We will make enquiries, or ask other agencies to make enquiries, whenever we think an adult with care and support needs may be at risk of abuse or neglect in Warwickshire.

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