Latest updates - reviewed 30 October 2024
Phase 2
Site works are continuing on Phase 2 of the A3400 Birmingham Road improvements scheme and currently progressing well. However, due to the inclement weather hampering progress of the installation of the drainage in the eastern verge, additional resource was secured to work on Saturdays on Section 1 which is due to complete during w/e 9 November 2024. The drainage works in the eastern verge have been completed and the new footway/cycleway construction, together with installation of new street lighting, has commenced.
With the additional resource we aim to move onto Stage 2 of the scheme by 10 November 2024 or sooner, enabling the reopening of Birmingham Road in both directions by temporary use of narrow lanes and reinstating access to St Peter’s Way.
Drainage Works in Eastern verge: Penultimate backdrop manhole being installed, made ready to receive 450mm pipe main sewer and 150mm gully connections and concrete surround.
Drainage Works in Eastern verge (cont.): Concrete surround to the penultimate backdrop manhole being installed, the new drainage system will protect the road from flooding for many years.
Street Lighting: New street lighting duct being installed in the eastern verge next to the new footway/cycleway. Formation level to the new street lighting columns also excavated for up to 5 new street lighting columns on the eastern side improving the lighting provision on the approach to Bishopton Roundabout.
Runaway MOP Event: The temporary traffic management (TM) was successfully lifted, and the road cleared of any plant, materials and debris for the MOP Event during 25 and 26 October 2024. The TM was reinstalled in evening of 27 October 2024 for works to recommence on Monday 28 October 2024.
Phase 3
Phase 3 of the A3400 Birmingham Road extends from St Peter’s Way to Arden Street and is currently in the design and engagement stages of development. Key matters which are currently in development are as follows:
- Tesco’s secondary access – We are exploring options to provide a secondary point of access to Tesco’s off A3400 Birmingham Road. There are major utility works along the northern verge adjacent to Hamlet Way which need to be avoided as the works to divert and reconstruct are cost and time prohibitive. Tesco representatives were met on 12 March 2024 and a further meeting will be held following completion of the proposal.
- Landscaping – Where feasible and practicable, we are looking to introduce elements of landscaping to complement the engineering works and to improve the street scene. An indicative plan can be viewed below:
- LTN 1/20 – We are reviewing the current designs conformity to the recently published document from the Department for Transport; LTN 1/20 Cycle Infrastructure. Retrofitting all the design recommendations contained within this document into an established urban environment can prove difficult. We shall, however, endeavour to adhere to this guidance where practicable and feasible to do so.
- Western Road – We are exploring options to improve the functionality of the junction. Drawings have been prepared and will go through a traffic modelling exercise, and results will be known shortly.
Completed - Phase 1
Phase 1, from Windsor Street to Arden Street, was completed in January 2022, bringing a significant improvement aesthetically as well as making the road crossings easier to navigate. The segregated cycle and footpath create safer spaces for different user groups and the resurfacing has provided a new, smooth surface to the carriageway.
Flickr - A3400 Birmingham Road