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RPC training materials and additional resources

Parental conflict is estimated to affect around 1,249,820 children and young people nationally, and 14,000 children experience parental conflict in Warwickshire.

The Reducing Parental Conflict project has been developed to upskill practitioners in Warwickshire when supporting parents to reduce conflict within their relationship, whether they are together or separated. Practitioners are supported by building awareness and developing the confidence, knowledge and skills to work with parents to reduce conflict and drive for more positive outcomes for children and their families.

The Reducing Parental Conflict training aims to train professionals from a wide range of organisations in Warwickshire, including Early Help, Children’s Social Care, Housing, ASB, Health, Police, Schools, Youth Justice Service, Probation, Drug and Alcohol Services, Domestic Abuse Services, CAMHS and Adult Mental Health Services.

To complement the full animation above, Warwickshire have also created three short animations for practitioners to use when working directly with families or for promotional purposes:

See it differently

The social change charity Good Things Foundation in partnership with relationship experts One Plus One and families across the UK have produced four short videos which show small changes that we can all make to help make life easier for everyone in the family.

Watch families reflect four common daily situations:

  • Withdrawal: Mahmoud’s family aren’t really talking – can silence be just as bad as shouting?
  • Chores: Maddie is put in the middle of her parents’ argument – are they really only upset about cake?
  • Hair cut: Chloe has had her hair done - but what are her family really arguing about?
  • New trainers: Jag’s parents are worried about money – what else might be going on for them?

Then look at how they could approach things differently to reduce the impact of arguments on children.

The blame game

Brené Brown considers blame in this short witty animation: why we blame, how it sabotages our relationships and why we need to move beyond blame:


A beautiful sequel to the above blame animation is Brené Brown’s animated short on empathy, which reminds us that we can only create a genuine empathic connection if we are brave enough to really get in touch with our own fragilities:

How to be a better parent – positive vs toxic parenting tips

Dr Gabor Maté, renowned for his expertise on a range of topics including addiction, stress and childhood development, discusses parenting tips with a father:

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