Warwickshire Biological Records Centre (WBRC) contains information on species distribution, ecological and geological sites in Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull.

Information about sites

Information is contained on almost 4000 sites (ecosites) including woods, meadows, marshes, rivers, disused railway lines and canals. These places are seen of particular importance for nature conservation. Each site file contains information such as lists of flora and fauna species together with habitat descriptions.

Information about species

The WBRC holds records of some 15,000 individual species, including protected species, totalling over 3 million records.

We receive species records from various sources including the public, naturalist groups, research students, nature conservation organisations such as the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, statutory agencies and local authorities.

If you would like to share your wildlife sightings with us, please submit them using the form below.

WBRC Species Record Submission Form

Information requests

Please fill in our information request form if you would like to receive data on sites and/or species in Warwickshire, Coventry or Solihull. 

WBRC information request form

Access to information is free for the public, students and amateur researches although a charge, based on hourly rates is made for commercial users in line with our WBRC access and charging policy.

If you have any queries please contact us by email or phone. We are also open to enquirers by appointment during office hours from Monday to Friday. 

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Contact us

Warwickshire Biological Records Centre (WBRC)

Ecological Services
Warwickshire County Council
Shire Hall post room
Rear of Shire Hall
Northgate Street
CV34 4RL

01926 418060

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