The WBRC is the most comprehensive data bank of species and habitat records in Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull. The WBRC has collated biological and geological records since 1974. The WBRC holds distribution data on some 15,000 individual species, including protected species, and almost 4000 ecological sites, totalling over two million records.

Surveying and recording is ongoing and is carried out mainly on a voluntary basis by expert amateur naturalists throughout the county. Approximately 70% of records originate from volunteers. Many of the records are still in paper format.

We look for volunteers to help us with the following tasks:

  • inputting species records into Excel and Recorder 6;
  • data validating and archiving;
  • digitising site boundaries using QGIS;
  • assisting with surveys/site visits;
  • assisting with events.

Volunteers will become familiar with biological recording, botanical nomenclature, species identification, protected species legislation and software Recorder 6 and QGIS. Additional training and learning opportunities may be available depending on your interests and time you can spend volunteering. You will be able to develop your own interests and knowledge whilst contributing to our understanding of Warwickshire’s wildlife.

If you would like to volunteer with us, please call us on 01926 418060 or email us.

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