Warwickshire County Council is committed to making Warwickshire the best place it can be, and the Regeneration and Place Shaping team work to improve local places, economies, and communities. We actively seek opportunities to develop regeneration and place-based activities to facilitate change which benefits all.

We work all over the county, with major interventions and minor improvements, and you can find out more about some of our current projects below:

Current projects

Transforming Bedworth

Warwickshire County Council is supporting Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council to deliver the transformation of Bedworth town centre, aiming to boost economic growth in the town, provide new employment opportunities, and ensure the town centre is a pleasant place to live, work in, and visit.

Transforming Bedworth (Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council)

Transforming Leamington

Transforming Leamington is led by the Leamington Transformation Board, consisting of elected members from Warwickshire County Council, Warwick District Council, Royal Leamington Spa Town Council, and an Independent Chair and Advisory Forum Convenor.

Work is already underway to develop a new, refreshed, vision for the town centre which will clearly set out the ambitions for the town, and look to ensure Royal Leamington Spa remains a thriving place, promoting and improving the health and wellbeing of its people, the place, and the planet.  We have also begun to create a Public Realm  Masterplan for Parade, as the main high street of the town centre. This will look in more detail at the future of the Parade and potential interventions to help re-invigorate the place and support the vitality of the town centre.

Transforming Leamington

Transforming Nuneaton

Transforming Nuneaton is a major initiative designed to boost communities, economic opportunities, and infrastructure in Nuneaton town centre. It is a joint programme between Warwickshire County Council and Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, and it seeks to improve leisure and business opportunities, increase education and skills, unlock housing development, and improve rail, highway, and transport links to the town.

The Transforming Nuneaton programme aims to reinvigorate Nuneaton, creating a prosperous town centre, with high quality business prospects, independent and national retailers, housing and a strong and diverse mix of things to do and see.

Transforming Nuneaton

Rugby Town Centre Regeneration

The County Council is supporting Rugby Borough Council in their regeneration plans for Rugby town centre, with projects to improve the public realm, supporting the implementation of the vision for Rugby town centre, and encouraging the development of the town centre to help people, businesses, and the environment thrive.

Rugby Town Centre regeneration (Rugby Borough Council)

Warwickshire Towns Network

We work closely with our colleagues in the People, Places, and Partnerships team, and more information about their work with the Warwickshire Towns Network, Institute of Place Management, Visit Warwickshire, and local campaigns can be found here. 

Warwickshire Towns Network

Highways Project

Regeneration plans often require changes to local transport infrastructure, working with our colleagues in Highways and Transport Planning. Current schemes can be found at the link above.

 Major transport construction projects

Public engagement

Our work relies on the support and input of people who live and work in Warwickshire to inform the decisions made. Information on public engagement and any current consultations will be posted here when available.

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