Students living in Warwickshire starting Year 7 in September 2025 will benefit from a simplified school transport process.
Rather than having to complete applications forms, the Home to School Transport Team will now contact families directly to confirm their eligibility.
This approach is designed to simplify the process for eligible pupils, ensuring transport is arranged earlier and more efficiently, ahead of the new school year.
"This change is designed to make life easier for families, ensuring they have one less thing to worry about when preparing for their child's transition to secondary school,” said Cllr Jan Matecki, Warwickshire County Council’s portfolio holder for transport and planning.
"We are committed to improving our services and ensuring that eligible pupils can secure home to school transport without having to fill out any forms. The new process will come into effect in March 2025, aligning with the confirmation of secondary school places for September 2025.”
Families who have a change of circumstances, such as moving house, or who are new to Warwickshire, are advised to continue using the current online application system. Please note that these changes apply only to pupils without an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) moving into Year 7.
The process for pupils in Reception, those with an EHCP, or families experiencing a change of circumstances will remain unchanged. For these families, the existing online application system will continue to be used. Eligible families will be contacted by the Home to School Transport Team by the first week of the summer term to confirm the arrangements.
Families who do not receive this notification, but believe their child is eligible should complete the online application form by visiting https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/transporthelpunder16
For further information or any questions about the home to school transport process, please visit https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/schooltransport