There are lots of small things people can do to help children avoid accidents at home.
Children need to experiment, play and take risks. As children develop, they will become more adventurous and want to explore the world around them. To do this safely, they need a safe environment. By getting down to their level and seeing the world through their eyes, it’s easier to spot dangers, and help them avoid danger.
Warwickshire County Council has some tips to help prevent accidents
- Certain foods and small objects can be risky for young children - anything smaller than a two pence piece can get stuck in their throats. So, avoid foods like this or cut them up lengthways or into quarters to make them safer to eat.
- If your child is mobile, it’s surprising the things they can reach! Make sure to keep things like blind cords, plastic bags and drawstring bags out of reach.
- When you’re cooking, make sure saucepans are out of reach and handles aren’t sticking out and most importantly, don’t leave kids unsupervised in the kitchen
- Keep medicines in a high, lockable cupboard (including everyday painkillers like paracetamol) so that your children can’t reach them
- If you’re planning on doing lots of cleaning around the house, keep your cleaning products out of reach in high cupboard and out of site and remember to put them away once you’ve finished cleaning
- Put small objects away – things like button batteries for toys can be a choking hazard for small children and can also cause internal bleeding
Taking steps to ensure infants can sleep safely in suitable conditions is very important for families to consider. The council is supporting Lullaby Trust’s Safer Sleep Week (11-17 March). This national campaign targets anyone looking after a young baby and aims to raise awareness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and the safer sleep advice that reduces the risk of it occurring.
The focus of Safer Sleep Week 2024 is the safest place. Babies’ airways are vulnerable, particularly in the first few months of life, so it is important that parents and carers are aware of this and the actions they can take to protect them, such as:
- Keep baby away from smoke, before and after birth.
- Put baby in a cot, crib or moses basket to sleep - never fall asleep with them on a sofa or chair.
- Put baby to sleep on their back with their feet to the foot of the cot.
- Keep the cot clear.
- Keep baby's head and face uncovered and make sure they don't get too hot.
- Breastfeed your baby - support is available if you need it.
For more safer sleep advice visit their website: https://www.lullabytrust.org.uk/safer-sleep-advice/
It’s important to educate children on the dangers that fire poses and to teach them how to prevent fire in the home. Here are Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service’s top tips for keeping children safe from fire:
- Always keep matches, lighters and candles out of the reach of children
- Supervise children if they are in the kitchen, especially when cooking
- Never leave children alone in the kitchen
- Put a childproof fireguard in front of any open fires or heaters
- Teach children not to put anything into the holes of sockets or extension leads, and consider installing plug guards
If you have children under 5, you can contact Warwickshire Fire and Rescue for a home safe and well check - call 01926 466282 or apply via their website: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/fire-safety-home
Warwickshire County Councillor Sue Markham, portfolio holder for Children and Families said: “As part of our Child Friendly Warwickshire programme, we want all children to be safe, so raising awareness around staying safe at home is crucial to this.”
“Knowing that many accidents are avoidable reminds us that with the right support, families can not only help prevent accidents from happening, but teach their children how to keep themselves safe. We encourage parents to stay one step ahead of their developing child, understanding what behaviours and the risks associated with them may come next.”
“We’re sharing resources and information for parents and carers to build confidence and skills in managing the real risks to children's safety. Accidents can of course still happen, so please still see a medical professional if your child does get hurt.
More advice to keep children safe at home is available at:
- The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
- The Child Accindent Prevention Trust
- Keeping you and your children safe - WCC information on safety in the home and when out and about with your children.
- Child Accident Prevention: Making every contact count - This is a fully-funded three-hour course designed by the NHS to help prevent accidents in the home. For more information, please contact erinyork@warwickshire.gov.uk or lynnbassett@warwickshire.gov.uk.
Helping children and young people to be safe is one of the ambitions Child Friendly Warwickshire. Find out more and get involved with the programme at www.childfriendlywarwickshire.co.uk.