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Warwickshire residents struggling to pay their utility bills can look to Warwickshire County Council for support.

Until 22 March 2024 the council’s Local Welfare Scheme is distributing the final allocation of government funding from the Department for Work and Pensions’ Household Support Fund to people living in the county who are finding it difficult to meet these household costs. 

The Household Support Fund can provide short-term financial assistance in the form of a one-off voucher payment to meet immediate needs and help those who are finding it hard to afford energy and water payments. This will supplement ongoing emergency support from the Local Welfare Scheme for residents in financial crisis. 

Families and households in Warwickshire can apply whether they use pre-payment meters, pay by direct debit or on receipt of a gas, electricity or water bill.  Residents are invited to contact the Local Welfare Scheme team for a confidential discussion about their situation. All applications for the payment must be made by 22 March 2024. 

Warwickshire County Councillor Heather Timms, Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate and Culture, said: “The cost for household energy continues to present significant challenges for households struggling with the increased costs of living. This fund will offer some small relief at a crucial time, and we urge Warwickshire residents to get in touch as soon as possible to find out more about making an application and enquire about other support that may also be available.”

Anyone entitled to benefits eligible free school meals has automatically been offered this support so will not be eligible though applications are welcome from others in financial difficulty at this time. 

To apply please call 0800 4081448 or 01926 359182 by 22 March 2024 to speak to an advisor in confidence. More information about the Local Welfare Scheme is available online. 

Anyone looking for general support to help them face daily costs of living can visit the Warwickshire Cost of Living website. The website features information and advice from a range of services throughout the county on a range of money saving and debt management solutions. 

Published: 4th March 2024

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