Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing achievements 2018/19 The Warwickshire HWB Annual Review 2018/2019 highlights achievements from across the health and wellbeing system over the past year plus the focus for health and wellbeing in the coming year. Published: 3rd June 2019
Wave 1 of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment The first wave of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is complete and reports are available. Action plans are being developed to reflect the needs in each area. Published: 5th April 2019
Health and wellbeing 2020 strategy refresh The strategy refresh highlights the improvements since 2014 but recognises that more needs to be done to prevent ill-health, reduce inequalities, build resilient communities and integrate services. Published: 18th January 2019
Coventry and Warwickshire step up to a Year of Wellbeing The Coventry and Warwickshire Place Forum has designated 2019 as the Year of Wellbeing to significantly raise the profile of health and wellbeing opportunities for everyone. Published: 23rd July 2018