The Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull area has nationally renowned natural environment data. The Natural Environment, Historic Environment and Landscape service can give you support and advice when preparing your neighbourhood plan.

Our services

Natural environment

Through the Habitat Biodiversity Audit, we have mapped all the habitats and boundaries and use this information to understand how species move through the landscape. From this audit, we have identified county important sites and potential county important sites that act as stepping stones or wildlife havens.

We also have species records within the Warwickshire Biological Record Centre and a Sub-regional Green Infrastructure Strategy which you can reference as part of your plan.

We can:

  • help you understand the evidence and its importance
  • provide you with the information we have for your area in a report
  • resurvey any parts of your area where the data is over five years old (best practice)
  • survey one or more of your potential county important sites to evaluate its importance
  • help you form your Natural Environment policy

Historic environment

Within the Historic Environment Record (HER) we understand a lot about the history of your area and how it has evolved through time and shaped the historic landscape. We can:

  • arrange a time for you to come into our office and show you what we hold for your area
  • provide you with the information we have from the (HER) for your area
  • organise a historic environment workshop to equip you with the skills to assess your own area
  • help you form your historic environment policy


We can help you assess what is special about your landscape, how it is valued by local people and understand its sensitivity to change. We can:

  • help you understand the information and its importance
  • provide the information we have for your area
  • help you to identify locally distinctive landscape features, characteristics and special qualities
  • survey all or some of your area to form landscape sensitivity maps
  • help you form your landscape policy


Service Natural environment Historic environment Landscape

Meet with you to discuss our information and services

Output: meeting


Free Free

Provide you with the information we have for your area

Output: data and summary report (paper and digital)




Historic environment workshop

Outcome data and summary report from HER and tools to carry out your own assessment

n/a £1500* n/a

Landscape workshop

Outcome: data and tools to carry out your own assessment

n/a n/a


Habitat or landscape sensitivity survey your area (or part of)

Output: report (paper and digital)

Circa £2000**


Circa £3000**

Wildlife site survey

Output: report (paper and digital)

Circa £750 per site**



Help you form your policy

Output: meeting and written advice.


£250 £250

*An information report is included


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