Library byelaws

Libraries Byelaws (PDF, 1.1 MB) – Our library byelaws made under Section 19 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964.

Privacy notice

Our privacy notice sets out how we use and protect any information that you give the Warwickshire Library Service, in particular, the personal and sensitive information relating to library members held on our library management system. It should be read in addition to the council’s overall Customer Privacy Notice.

Filtering of public Internet access

All computer users are required to agree to the acceptable use agreement at the start of each session.

Internet access is filtered using corporate filtering software called Smoothwall. Website content may be blocked because it is considered unsafe or unsuitable in a public environment.

Content which we would usually consider safe and suitable is sometimes blocked in error. If you think this is the case with a site you are trying to view, you can request that it is unblocked by:

  • contacting us online or
  • talking to a member of staff who will raise a request for you

You will receive an initial response by email or post within five working days and a full decision within ten working days.

You can also report unsuitable content that you believe should be blocked, using the same methods.

Mobile phone use in libraries

We ask our customers to use mobile phones sensitively in libraries and consider other users.

Please keep your phone on silent and do not use it in designated quiet areas of the library or in the learning zones. In other areas of the library, please keep conversations to a minimum.

Please inform a member of staff if you feel that other customers are unreasonable in their use of mobile phones. Staff will approach the individual(s) concerned as it is library policy that mobile phones should only be used where they will not unduly disturb others.

Leaflet, poster and exhibition policy

Display and exhibition space in libraries is in great demand and often very limited. Consequently, it is not always possible to meet this demand and so the following criteria have been produced to help staff ensure that space for publicity is allocated fairly and without bias and to ensure that organisations and individuals are fully aware of what is acceptable and likely to be displayed.

Material will only be displayed when space is available and only in specifically designated areas. Depending on the size of the library, waiting lists may be appropriate and we cannot guarantee the display of all material.

Prioritising material

As space is limited we have to prioritise as follows:

  1. library events and information
  2. Warwickshire County Council material
  3. information that we are legally obliged to display, statutory notices
  4. local events
  5. materials relating to the immediate local area
  6. activities relating to local societies and organisations


  • Notices should normally be no larger than A4 and be printed or typed, clean and easy to read. Occasionally handwritten notices may be accepted if neat and/or artistic, at the discretion of the member of staff.
  • Aside from library notices and information about local councillors, nothing is accepted for permanent display.
  • Every effort is made to display accepted material but we cannot guarantee this.
  • Only members of staff may put up posters or display leaflets in libraries and unless requested otherwise posters/leaflets will be disposed of at the end of the display period.
  • A minimum of one week prior to any event must be allowed and the maximum period for display will be one month.

Posters and leaflets that may be accepted for display:

  • local cultural societies’ events, such as theatre, music, art exhibitions
  • educational societies’ events
  • educational or leisure classes, courses, workshops
  • sporting clubs’ activities and classes
  • health information and alternative health information
  • local fundraising events which may link to national fundraising or national promotional days or weeks
  • business support materials
  • tourist information for local attractions
  • posters giving details of local religious events or activities
  • our job vacancies and any others that have been previously agreed for example Warwickshire College

Posters and leaflets that should not be accepted for display:

  • any material, which could cause offence or is illegal or could be considered contentious. This includes anything, which is racist, intolerant of a particular minority or anything which contains graphic or obscene images
  • petitions
  • campaigning materials – we can accept materials that inform but not those that urge a particular course of action
  • fundraising – anything which makes a direct appeal for donations
  • religious material which aims to convert, cause offence to members of other religious groups or material which emphasizes one particular faction or sect over another
  • party political materials advocating that people join a particular party although posters advertising a local meeting would be acceptable. Party manifestos – these are usually available to look at from stock but not on display. No political items are allowed for a period of three weeks prior to any local, national or European elections
  • commercial advertising for goods or services
  • posters advertising services like childcare, nurseries, childminders
  • posters relating to doctors/dentists/care homes


Display areas must be booked in advance and content discussed and viewed, prior to the start date, if there is any suggestion that the content fails to meet with the above criteria.

Local arrangements and facilities will vary so contact the library concerned for booking details. Charges may apply for exhibition space.


Warwickshire County library service aims to be a source of unbiased information. However, acceptance of external displays of posters, leaflets and exhibitions does not indicate an endorsement of the content.

Stock policy

Stock Management Policy (PDF, 95 KB) – how we choose it, how we allocate the funds and how we aim to meet the needs of the community.

Our aims

The library and information service provides a wide range of books and materials to meet customer needs, including both popular and specialist stock. We aim to provide the best value for money available to us.

Our stock

Our stock includes:

  • books for adults and children
  • large print
  • talking books
  • newspapers and magazines
  • information and local studies resources
  • electronic subscription resources
  • community language materials
  • music scores and play scripts
  • e-resources

We have almost 605,000 items on our shelves, lend approximately 1.7 million each year and have access to tens of thousands of books through the public library network.

Why we have a stock selection policy

Around 185,000 titles are published annually in the UK alone. Even in a large county like Warwickshire, it is impossible to buy every title, so choices have to be made.

Criteria used for selection:

  • popularity of author or subject
  • authority and reputation of the author or publisher
  • value for money
  • will it be well used?
  • is it attractive and well produced?
  • accurate and up-to-date information
  • will it help provide a better choice for our customers?
  • does it reflect the county’s social and cultural diversity?

Buying and managing our stock

New material is selected on a coordinated countywide basis to ensure effective coverage. Selection criteria are informed by evidence-based stock management performance tools as well as customer feedback and recommendations. We undertake a range of consultation, including surveys and discussions with community groups, to ensure we meet the needs of our diverse communities.

The managed movement of stock between our libraries enables us to achieve the best value from items of stock and the stock fund and ensures a constant supply of fresh stock to improve the range available for customers.

We use major library suppliers who process our stock ready for the shelves (such as date labels), as well as a range of specialist booksellers. Membership of a purchasing consortium enables us to improve the effectiveness of our purchasing and achieve significant savings in public expenditure.

Purchasing is planned on an annual basis by careful reference to a number of factors, such as levels of use, the results of any consultation, stock reviews and service priorities.


You can request items at any library and online.


We welcome donations – they are subject to the same criteria as purchased stock and may be redirected to locations other than where the donation was made*

*Please note: we are currently not able to accept donations except for items that may be of interest to the Local Studies collection and the Music and Drama collection.

Mobile Library Service – criteria for mobile library stops

Length of stop

The length of a stop will be determined by the number of people using the service. The minimum length of a stop will be 15 minutes to allow sufficient time for use of the onboard public access internet/email facilities.

Minimum mobile library stop time criteria
Average number of users Minimum stop time
4 to 6 users 15 minutes
7 to 10 users 25 minutes
11 to 15 users 30 minutes
over 15 users 45 minutes + (up to a maximum of one hour)

A minimum stop time of 15 minutes will apply where a stop is the only one in a village.

Extra time will be allocated at sheltered housing stops for delivery to housebound readers. This will be calculated based on the needs of those users.

Distance between stops

There will be no mobile stops within 1.5 miles of a static library.

Mobile stops will not normally be within 0.5 miles of each other – (this equates to about 10 minutes walk).

These criteria exclude sheltered and neighbourhood stops in deprived communities.

Exceptions will be made where there are distinct communities where natural barriers exist (such as busy roads or steep hills), where there is limited pedestrian access and in areas identified as having low scores in the index of multiple deprivations.

Monitoring and evaluation

These criteria will be evaluated after six months and annually thereafter.

Average visitor numbers for each stop will be reviewed quarterly and stop times adjusted accordingly.

Procedure for withdrawal of stops

Where there is no use of the service for three consecutive visits or where average customer fall below the minimum required, the mobile and community services manager will be alerted and steps will be taken to promote the stop locally. If this is unsuccessful the service will be withdrawn and the home delivery service will be offered to those individuals who meet the criteria.

Applications for new stops

Applications for new stops will be considered only where they indicate the potential to be used regularly by an average of at least four people. The Home Delivery Service may be offered as an alternative if the customer meets the criteria.

Priority will be given to those places deemed to be areas of greater social deprivation based on the Government figures in force at the time of application.

Where timetables allow, new stops will come into operation within nine weeks after the agreement to provide the service has been reached. This will allow sufficient time for the planning and publication of a new timetable and for other users to be informed of any changes.

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