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The Historic Environment Record (HER) currently incorporates over 24,000 sites and finds. Each site or find is given its own record number and all the information relating to the site is linked to this number.

A database is maintained where details relating to the date and type of site and any statutory or non-statutory status are recorded. To complement the database each site or find is indicated on a map. As a result, the locations and distribution of sites and monuments in Warwickshire are visible.

The Record is continually expanding. Sites can range from the very grand, such as Warwick Castle, to the less apparent but no less important, such as scatters of Roman pottery. The HER covers all prehistoric and historic periods and all types of archaeological site.

Within the HER is a wide range of sources.

  • Aerial photographs – The collection is an integral part of the HER and, with over 12,000 photographs, provides an invaluable source of information. Copies of some of these may be made available. However, there may be some restrictions depending on copyright.
  • Historic maps – The HER holds around 350 historic and modern maps, including First and Second Edition Ordnance Survey maps.
  • Published material – A library of archaeological books is available for consultation.
  • Unpublished material – The HER has material including the writings of local antiquarians and local research groups and societies, including parish surveys.
  • Journals – The HER uses a variety of national and local journals, including Britannia, The Transactions of the Birmingham and Warwickshire Archaeological Society and Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society.
  • Fieldwork reports – The HER holds over 1,000 reports on archaeological fieldwork, including geophysics, trial trenching and excavation. Most of this work has been undertaken as a result of development work.
  • Statutory designations – Information is held by the HER on Scheduled Monuments, Registered Parks and Gardens, Historic Battlefields and Listed Buildings.
  • Personal communication – A valuable source of information, the HER is always interested in hearing from those who have any information relating to any archaeological site that could enhance the records.


Access to the Historic Environment Record is free for the public, students and other researchers. A charge is made for commercial enquiries. Please see our HER access and charging policy

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