The Nook, Bedworth Heath

The Nook is a small area of public open space in Bedworth Heath. The site offers a wide range of wildlife habitats including wildflower meadows, wetland, lake, scrub and woodland and has been specifically designated as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) within Warwickshire. We worked in partnership with the Friends of The Nook group and Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council to secure funding and carry out improvements to the area. In consultation with the Friends Group we drew up proposals for new paths, a replacement footbridge over a stream, new seats and an interpretation board to inform visitors about the site’s history and wildlife. Some work was also done to rectify drainage issues on the existing paths which were prone to flooding. These improvements ensure that the site is more widely accessible to wheelchair users, pushchairs etc., enabling as many members of the local community as possible to enjoy the wildlife on their doorstep as well as experiencing the health and wellbeing benefits that being outdoors in the natural environment brings.