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The final draft of the updated Maternity Needs Assessment has been published.

In February 2016, the National Maternity Review published Better Births, a Five Year Forward View for maternity care which set out a vision for maternity services across England to become safer, more personalised, kinder, more professional and more family friendly. Following this, the Maternity Transformation Programme was launched in July 2016 to implement the vision set out in Better Births, supporting the Secretary of State’s ambition to halve the number of stillbirths, neonatal and maternal deaths and brain injuries by 2030.

The CCG Improvement and Safety Framework 2016/17 baseline maternity assessment rates CCGs in England on improvement indicators for patient choice, experience, maternal smoking, and neonatal mortality rates, aligning with key themes from Better Births. There was considerable variation between CCGs, with almost 75% needing at least “some improvement” to maternity services – and 11 of these having “greatest need for improvement”, including South Warwickshire CCG. Only one, West Kent CCG, was rated as “top performing” with another 53 rated as “performing well”.

Locally, the focus of this needs assessment was to provide an updated picture on maternity need and services across Coventry & Warwickshire to inform the upcoming service re-commissioning under the banner of the Sustainability & Transformation Partnership (STP).

This report was commissioned by the Local Maternity System, as part of the Maternity & Paediatrics STP Workstream. This group is a partnership group from across the sub-region and includes a range of local stakeholders responsible for delivering maternity services.

This needs assessment and the arising recommendations will inform the action plan from this workstream and ultimately inform the recommissioning of maternity services across Coventry & Warwickshire in line with the vision set out in Better Births.

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