All school-age children who work part-time must be registered with us.
It is the responsibility of the employer to register all school-age children working for them, and to carry out a risk assessment.
To register, please complete the form and send it to the child employment officer:
Child employment permit application form (PDF, 179 KB)
Child working hours
Children must not work before 7am or after 7pm.
Children are not allowed to work more than 12 hours a week during term time.
All school-age children must have at least two consecutive weeks off during school holidays.
13 to 14 years
- School days – two hours (children can only work out of school hours. This may include one hour before school.)
- Saturdays – five hours
- Sundays – two hours
- School Holidays – five hours (up to a maximum of 25 hours a week)
15 to 16 years
- School days – two hours (children can only work out of school hours. This may include one hour before school.)
- Saturdays – eight hours
- Sundays – two hours
School holidays – eight hours (up to a maximum of 35 hours a week)