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Environment and planning
Environmental management
Publication detail

We have an environmental management system in place that is certified to ISO 14001:2004 by an accredited body.  The scope of the system is: ‘The services and activities delivered by Warwickshire County Council in relation to the built and natural resources of Warwickshire.’

A crucial part of the system in the Environmental Management Policy which was approved by Cabinet in April 2015 and documents the authority’s commitment to environmental management, including prevention of pollution, compliance with legal requirements and reducing environmental risk.

Operating within the requirements of ISO 14001 gives the public assurance that operations are carried out in an environmentally competent and cost-efficient manner complying with all applicable environmental legislation.

An Environmental Management System (EMS) is a structured and documented system used to manage an organisation’s environmental performance and responsibilities.

Implementing an EMS can help to:

  • Identify and minimise environmental risks;
  • Maximise the efficient use of resources including energy and water use;
  • Minimise waste;
  • Demonstrate a good corporate image;
  • Identify efficiency savings;
  • Encourage employee awareness of environmental issues;
  • Continually improve the Council’s environmental performance.

There are a number of ways in which we help to reduce its impacts on the environment:


Facilities for recycling have been set up throughout all of our buildings and staff are encouraged to minimise waste by following the guidance of the waste hierarchy.  Most buildings have amenities to recycle:

  • paper
  • card
  • tins/cans
  • glass jars and bottles
  • most plastics

Some larger offices have in-vessel composters providing the ability to recycle food waste.  This helps to increase the efficiency of delivered services, reduce resources and reduce the amount of waste going to landfill as a result of our activities.


We support energy reduction and energy efficiency initiatives and progress the use of renewable energy sources where feasible.

  • Temperatures in the majority of our buildings are automatically monitored and regulated to help reduce energy use.
  • All of our buildings over 250 sqm that are frequently visited by the public have been surveyed and awarded an energy performance rating in line with the Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations 2012
  • Investment has been made to implement energy-efficient devices for new street and traffic lighting, and energy-efficient lighting within our buildings.


We have launched an ‘Agile Working’ initiative providing employees with the scope to carry out their duties in a manner that helps to reduce travelling, allowing staff to spend more time delivering services.

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