Create vibrant places with safe and inclusive communities
- Voluntary and Community Sector Strategy 2020-2025
- Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Integrated Risk Management Plan 2020-25 (PDF, 852 KB)
- Heritage and Culture Strategy 2020-2025
- Waterway and Canal Strategy 2020-2025 (PDF, 4.2 MB)
- Warwickshire Community Safety Agreement 2017-21
- Counter Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Framework
- Safer Warwickshire Serious Violence Prevention Strategy (PDF, 11.2 MB)
- Safer Warwickshire Violence against Women and Girls Strategy 2023-2026 (PDF, 12.1 MB)
Deliver major infrastructure, digital connectivity and improved transport options
- Local Transport Plan 2011-2026
- Digital Infrastructure Strategy (PDF, 1.2 MB)
- Warwickshire Highway Asset Management Strategy 2019
- Investing in Warwickshire Capital Strategy 2021-31 (PDF, 419 MB)
- Roads and transport plans
- Roads and transport strategies