Pupil Premium Plus and ePEP

Allocation of Pupil Premium Plus

Eligible children previously looked after (PCiC) are entitled to Pupil Premium Plus which is paid directly to schools. Although not a per-pupil entitlement the funding can be used to address any additional needs faced by CPLA.

For children in care (CiC), the Pupil Premium Plus should be discussed at termly PEP meetings where the school will request a funding amount for the term (£0, £400, £800 or £1500). Warwickshire Virtual School allocates Pupil Premium Plus to schools for CiC according to our Pupil Premium Policy.

Pupil Premium Plus policy - September 2024 (PDF, 210 KB)

Personal education plans (PEPs)

The PEP should reflect the importance of a personalised approach to learning that meets the child’s identified educational needs, raises aspirations and builds life chances.

For children looked after, Personal Education Plans form part of the care plan for each child and young person. They detail individual needs and must be reviewed at least once per term.

Designated teachers lead on how the PEP is developed and used. Designated teachers should liaise with social workers and ensure that relevant professionals attend the meetings. The PEP should be completed within the first half of each term as it represents a plan for the term.

The views of the child or young person need to be sought for every review and they can attend part or all of the meeting, as appropriate to them.

Reviews should ensure that educational progress, in terms of SEMH and current achievement, is recorded and that provision continues to meet needs. Information in the PEP informs statutory reviews of the care plan and in turn, care plan reviews scrutinise the effectiveness of the PEP.

GOV.UK - Promoting the education of looked-after children


PEPs for statutory school age children looked after and post-16 young people are recorded on an online system. Access to this system is controlled by the Virtual School and all relevant professionals will have access to all ePEPs for the children they work with.

PEPs are accessed online at - extranet.welfarecall.com

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CV34 4RL

01926 742018

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