Warwickshire County Council, as a Highway Authority, maintains a road network of around 2421 miles of carriageway, 1778 miles of footway and over 1700 miles of Public Rights of Way in Warwickshire.

We, in the Council’s County Highways Team, are keen to work in partnership with farmers to help ensure that maintenance issues which affect the highway are attended to. Our Farming and the Public Highway Guide (PDF, 219 KB) highlights a number of areas where working together can greatly help the Council to sustain a safe and serviceable highway network for all users.

The guide provides information on

  • Legal Responsibilities
  • Mud/Farm Vehicles on The Roads
  • Ditches and Drains
  • Hedge Cutting and Trees
  • Public Rights of Way (PRoW)
  • Miscellaneous Matters including topics such as safety, signage, weed and pest control.
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