Warwickshire County Council’s libraries service is inviting residents to enjoy a magical evening of open mic poetry at Leamington Library on Wednesday 12 February, 7-9pm.
The free event will be presented by Coventry's First Poet Laureate from 2021 – 2023, Emilie Lauren Jones and showcase a range of emotive poetry performances covering different topics, feelings, and ideas. Warwickshire’s tenth Young Poet Laureate, Ananditha Venkatramanan, will also be delivering a special poetry performance, and Warwickshire Libraries encourages anyone who would like to listen to some poetry to come along.
To secure a free place or to find out more information, visit www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/poetry-open-mic-night-tickets-1145549983839. Refreshments will be available to purchase at the event.
Councillor Yousef Dahmash, Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation, said:
“Leamington’s Poetry Open Mic Night is a great opportunity to become fully immersed in the world of poetry for free, and is being delivered thanks to Warwickshire Libraries and its role as a National Portfolio Organisation. It will be a great evening and I encourage everyone to come and enjoy this creative, vibrant, and emotive art form.”
Warwickshire Libraries is a National Portfolio Organisation (NPO) in Arts Council England’s funding plans for 2023-26, which means it’s receiving funding from Arts Council England’s Investment Programme over those three years to deliver a programme of free cultural and creative outreach activities, including Poetry Open Mic Night events.
To keep-up to date with Warwickshire Libraries’ latest information and events, follow the service on Facebook and Instagram, or sign-up to the weekly newsletter.