Warwickshire County Council is issuing a plea to Rugby residents to avoid unsafe and illegal parking on Rugby’s Clifton Road following the issue of over 150 fixed penalty notices to motorists.
The Council is also advising residents that this parking enforcement is set to increase at the popular shopping area along Clifton Road making it increasingly likely that anyone parking illegally there will be fined.
The increased action follows a number of road traffic collisions and near-misses, including one where a bus driver was injured as he alighted from the bus which had been forced to double park at the designated bus stop.
Since February 2024, there have been 163 Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued on Clifton Road, with 84 of those PCNs being issued to cars parking in the restricted bus stop area.
The Council is reminding all residents that parking at bus stops is strictly forbidden and that anyone who is caught parking in the bus stops along the Clifton Road is liable to be issued with a penalty charge notice.
Alternative Parking Options Available
Drivers looking to visit the popular supermarkets, bars and takeaways on this stretch of the road are advised that legal alternative parking is available at the following locations:
Moultrie Road – Free on Street parking less than one minute from shops;
Gas Street car park – less than five minutes’ walk from shops;
Railway Terrace car park – Less than ten minutes’ walk from shops; and
John Barford multi-storey car park – ten minutes’ walk from shops.
Cllr Sarah Feeney, Warwickshire County Council’s Ward Member for Rugby Benn, said: “Enforcement action is always a last resort, however the consistently inconsiderate and illegal parking along the Clifton Road has left the Council with very few options as the actions of a minority of drivers are putting other people’s safety in jeopardy.
“We want people to support the local businesses and will be looking to work with them so that this can be done safely.”
Cllr Jan Matecki, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning, added: “We are committed to ensuring that Warwickshire residents are supported through excellent transport infrastructure. In return, we ask for a commitment to helping the transport network, including the public transport network, to run smoothly.
“Parking in bus stops is against the law and can lead to disruption and, in the recent case, injury. We would kindly ask drivers to consider this, or risk being fined, when visiting the shops on the Clifton Road.”
Find out more about roads and transport in Warwickshire: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/roadsandtransport
More information about public transport can be found online: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/public-transport