Business founders and company representatives from across Warwickshire are invited to attend a special presentation event later this month...
...about how to submit a successful application for The King’s Awards for Enterprise.
The King’s Awards for Enterprise event is taking place for prospective applicants on Friday 31 January from 9:30am – 12:30pm, at the Advanced Propulsion Centre UK in Coventry, and sponsored by KPM-Marine.
Representatives from both the Warwickshire and West Midlands Lieutenancies will deliver an informative talk packed full of useful advice and guidance about what the application process involves, the benefits of the award, and how to submit a strong application.
The Lieutenancies will also be available to answer questions and speak with individuals about how they can support businesses with their applications before and during the official application round which is open from May to September 2025.
To book your free place by Friday 24 January, visit: https://forms.office.com/e/dsGtpj1PkQ, or email office@wmlieutenancy.org.
The King's Awards for Enterprise recognise business excellence across four different categories - Innovation, International Trade, Promoting Opportunity and Sustainable Development - with recipients permitted to fly the King's Awards flag at their main office and use the emblem on their marketing material for five years.
A record eight King's Awards for Enterprise were awarded to Warwickshire businesses in 2024, and Warwickshire Lieutenancy is keen to support even more businesses with preparing award applications this year.
The Lord Lieutenant for Warwickshire, Tim Cox, said:
“This event is the ideal opportunity for businesses interested in applying to The King’s Awards for Enterprise for the first time, or who may not have succeeded previously and would like to learn how to strengthen their applications for this year.
“The King's Awards for Enterprise offer unparalleled prestige, exposure and credibility to successful companies. I encourage as many Warwickshire businesses as possible to consider applying, and the Lieutenancy is here to support local businesses of all sizes in their journey to achieve this special award”.
Councillor Martin Watson, Portfolio Holder for Economy at Warwickshire County Council, said:
“The King’s Awards for Enterprise are the highest accolade available to UK businesses and help them to showcase dedication and excellence to both current and prospective customers. Companies that achieve this award also help to boost Warwickshire’s reputation as a great county for innovation and enterprise, as well as our ongoing commitment to promote sustainable economic growth across the county”.
The Warwickshire Lieutenancy team has a locally focused brochure on the benefits of these awards and the appropriate steps that can be followed to apply. The brochure is available online at https://api.warwickshire.gov.uk/documents/WCCC-1980322935-2072
For Warwickshire-based companies interested in applying for an award and would like more information, the Warwickshire Lieutenancy can be contacted at lieutenancy@warwickshire.gov.uk.
To find out more about The King’s Awards for Enterprise, visit www.gov.uk/kings-awards-for-enterprise