Warwickshire County Council is pleased to announce that Age UK Coventry & Warwickshire has been awarded the contract to operate the reuse shops at eight of the county's Household Waste Centres (HWRCs)
This award follows a competitive tender process aimed at promoting sustainability, reducing waste, and supporting local charitable initiatives. The new contract, which commences on 5 November 2024, will run for a term of up to 10 years.
The reuse shops, located at centres in Lower House Farm, Hunters Lane, Princes Drive, Burton Farm, Cherry Orchard, Wellesbourne, and Shipston, play a key role in reducing waste and promoting the reuse of goods. They successfully sell nearly 1,000 tonnes of items each year, contributing to Warwickshire’s sustainability goals and benefitting the local community. The network of reuse shops employs 40 staff and 30 volunteers gaining experience of working in a retail environment.
Age UK Coventry & Warwickshire will continue to use the profits from the reuse shops for their charitable services, which support older people across the county, including dementia care and wellbeing initiatives.
Cllr Heather Timms, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate, and Culture, commented on the award: “We are delighted to continue our partnership with Age UK Coventry & Warwickshire. The reuse shops not only divert items from landfill but also provide an affordable way for residents to purchase pre-loved goods. This contract supports our commitment to environmental sustainability while ensuring the income generated directly benefits our local community through Age UK's vital services. We look forward to seeing the continued success of the reuse shops under this new contract.”
The contract award marks a significant step forward in the Council’s ongoing efforts to encourage reuse, reduce waste, and enhance services across
Warwickshire’s HWRC network. Age UK Coventry & Warwickshire’s proposal demonstrated their ability to deliver high-quality services while providing substantial social and environmental value to the community.
Find out more about household waste recycling in Warwickshire, here: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/waste-recycling
Residents can Follow Warwickshire Recycles on social media for daily tips:
- On Twitter – https://twitter.com/Warksrecycles
- On Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/warwickshirerecycles
Residents can find out where their recycling goes and the types of products it goes on to be remade into by visiting www.warwickshire.gov.uk/whereitgoes
For more information about how Warwickshire County Council is facing the challenges of the climate change emergency, visit: https://www.sustainablewarwickshire.co.uk/
Get the latest news about how Warwickshire County Council and partners are facing the challenge of the climate emergency and how you can get involved: http://eepurl.com/hrk-zf