Monday, 4 November marks the start of Youth Work Week 2024, a time to celebrate the invaluable contributions of youth workers and the positive impact they have on young people in communities.
As part of this celebration, our Youth Work apprentices and trainees are excited to host an engaging online presentation titled The Art of Youth Work on Tuesday, 5 November at 12 pm (The Art of Youth Work). This event will showcase the various aspects of youth work in Warwickshire, featuring insights and experiences from our dedicated youth workers who have collaborated with young people throughout the year.
As a Child Friendly county, Warwickshire is committed to creating environments that supports young people to reach their full potential. Warwickshire youth workers have provided guidance, safe spaces, and growth opportunities that encourage young people to express themselves and develop essential life skills. Through these initiatives, young people have had their voices heard and been able to contribute to their communities in meaningful ways. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with many young people sharing how these programmes have boosted their confidence and well-being.
Warwickshire County Councillor Sue Markham, Portfolio Holder for Children and Families, said: “Our youth workers do excellent work supporting young people and making Warwickshire a child friendly county where young people can live, learn and grow.
"This presentation is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the achievements of the past year and to showcase the incredible talent and creativity of the young people we work with.”
“We invite everyone to join us in celebrating the art of youth work. I’m very proud of our youth teams and all they have done to give young people a voice, a place in their community, and an opportunity to reach their full potential.”
Anyone who would like to join this exciting event is invited to register their interest using this link, and they will receive a MS Teams invite.
The county council looks forward to celebrating the achievements of its youth workers and the young people they support during this special week. Together, the county can continue to empower and uplift them.
Residents might see youth workers engaging with young people in streets and parks, offering one-to-one support. Young people will recognise a Warwickshire County Council Youth Worker if they are approached, but anyone unsure can contact Targeted Youth Support by calling Children’s Social Care on 01926 428142 or emailing tys@warwickshire.gov.uk.
For more information on Warwickshire’s youth service, visit https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/youthservice.