SENIOR CARE/SUPPORT WORKER - Polesworth Group Homes Ltd.
The Senior Care/Support Worker will be responsible in all matters to the Registered Manager of the home and through him/her to the Chief Executive of Polesworth Group Homes Ltd and through her to the Directors.
The policy of the Company in relation to service users is to help them to integrate in society and lead as full and normal a life as possible within the context of their learning disabilities. To achieve this, the Senior Care/Support Workers will be expected to relate not only to the service users but to the immediate neighbourhood and the wider community in order that the service users may benefit from social, recreational and satisfying occupational activity.
The Senior Care/Support Workers will be expected to undertake the following tasks as necessary:
1. To offer support, advice, guidance and practical help to service users.
2. To assist service users in acquiring and developing independent living skills in the areas of personal hygiene, purchase and maintenance of clothing, laundry, care of personal belongings, shopping, cooking and general domestic duties, and advice on the management of money.
3. To ensure the maintenance of a good domestic standard with regard to cleaning and catering.
4. To attend staff meetings and any other meeting the Registered Manager or Chief Executive requires.
5. To attend formal supervision as required by the Registered Manager.
6. To help the service users to be sensitive and considerate to each other’s needs.
7. After gaining appropriate experience to undertake sleepovers for which an additional payment is made.
8. Where appropriate, to escort service users to social functions and any other function the Chief Executive or Registered Manager may feel appropriate, which may be during unsocial hours i.e. the weekend, evenings and bank holidays.
9. To establish links with neighbours and the social and recreational facilities of the neighbourhood in order to promote the wellbeing of the service users.
10. To undertake appropriate training as required by the Registered Manager and Chief Executive.
11. To contribute to recording the progress of service users and maintaining risk assessments in keeping with the Company’s record keeping policies.
12. Specific responsibilities of senior posts:
- Overseeing the work of care staff including the induction of new staff.
- Acting as key worker for specified service users.
- Implementing company procedures including fire procedures.
- Maintaining the register of service users.
- Planning menus, ensuring service users are given full choice of home-cooked main meals and puddings and overseeing the presentation of main meals.
- Balancing petty cash.
- Recording service users’ pocket money.
- Driving the Company vehicles.
- Maintaining appropriate records and oversight of medication, including security of the drug cabinet.
13. To accompany and support service users on and during their annual holiday.
14. To be aware that they may be the first person referred to for advice/guidance with regard to complaints of any type including abuse, whistle blowing etc either by service users, staff or colleagues.
15. To undertake any other responsibilities which the Registered Manager or Chief Executive may from time to time require, including administration duties.
Matters relating to service users and the overall policy of the Company are confidential and should not be discussed with people outside the Company except in the interests of a service user’s development. Any breach of confidentiality is a breach of the Company’s rules and will be seen as a disciplinary matter.
To learn more, or apply for this post, please visit: RECRUITMENT - Polesworth Group Homes (polesworthhomes.co.uk) or phone 01827 896124