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Warwickshire County Council, on behalf of Warwickshire’s six local authorities, is delighted to announce that they have contracted Coventry City Council to mobilise and deliver...

...a new business energy advice programme in the county with funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

As a branch of the £4.6 million Business Growth Warwickshire Programme, developed and commissioned jointly by Warwickshire County Council, North Warwickshire Borough Council, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, Rugby Borough Council, Stratford-on-Avon District Council and Warwick District Council, the Warwickshire Business Energy Advice Service (WBEAS), has been designed to support the creation of a green, growing and sustainable economy across Warwickshire through promoting energy efficiency.

The WBEAS package of support offers businesses in Warwickshire the opportunity to:

· Lower energy costs and reduced exposure to future energy price volatility;

· Create productivity increases through lower input costs, resulting in cost savings;

· Increase in environmental credentials, enabling beneficiaries to access new supply chains;

· Improve access to new markets;

· Support peer-to-peer learning and collaboration; and

· Reduce costs and deliver a bottom-line impact for businesses.

Following a successful procurement exercise, Coventry City Council has been appointed to deliver the service on behalf of Warwickshire County Council and the five District and Borough Councils. Coventry City Council will be providing these support opportunities in our business community through:

Promoting awareness of net zero adoption, across sectors, including a series of workshops (using practical case studies).

· Increasing business knowhow and understanding to support the implementation of decarbonisation plans.

· Offering 1 to 1 support from Specialist Environmental Advisors including an audit to quantify potential carbon savings, and development of a decarbonisation plan.

· Facilitating access for SME to online toolkits – to capture quantified CO2e and associated economic savings.

· Signposting SME to additional relevant services, including some grant opportunities where eligible for implementing decarbonisation & energy efficiency plans.

Cllr Martin Watson, Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Economy, said: "We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Warwickshire Business Energy Advice Service, a pivotal initiative driving our county towards a green, sustainable economy. Through strategic collaboration and the support of Coventry City Council, we aim to empower Warwickshire businesses to embrace energy efficiency, reduce costs, and unlock new opportunities. Together, we pave the way for a brighter, low-carbon future."

Warwickshire County Council are also pleased to announce that they have partnered with Zellar to offer Warwickshire business a free 1-year license to the Zellar all in one online sustainability platform. The Zellar platform analyses your business data to create SMART behavioural and operational recommendations that drive sustained action, cost savings and tangible climate impact. Businesses can access their free 1-year Zellar license by signing up to the Warwickshire Business Energy Advice Service.

It is anticipated that the WBEAS support programme will include a Government funded capital grant scheme to support businesses with low carbon adoption identified within the decarbonisation plans. Updates on this will be circulated once confirmed.

To find out more, please visit

Find out what other support is available to your business by calling Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub on 0300 060 3747 or visiting

Published: 8th March 2024

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