Course Outline for Reablement – Hospital to Home

Course Outline for Reablement – Hospital to Home


To enable staff to support patients from Hospital to Home using a Person-Centred Principles


Learning Outcomes

Staff will explore the Reablement therapeutic approach which is about encouraging independence optimising function & ability in the person & how to put this into practice in their delivery.

Staff will understand the importance of positive communication with their clients, including consent, hearing, sight, pain & comprehension issues & why this improves recovery & enhances wellbeing.

Staff will understand the importance of clear, concise, comprehensive communication with inter -agencies.

Staff will understand the importance of timely & accurate documentation & securing documentation in a confidential manner.

Staff will explore & understand issues relating to lone working, including reporting repairs for equipment, using the ‘I message’ system, de-escalation of difficult situations.

Staff will explore the importance of using the clients individual therapy programmes/care plans to enable the optimum recovery or stabilisation of the client’s health & wellbeing.  Which ensures that the clients, choices, consent and right for respect is always adhered to.

Staff will explore the importance of tissue viability concerns, including their continence needs, as well as promote the clients hydration & nutritional needs.

Staff will ensure that they promote safe handling of medication procedures.

Staff will increase their knowledge around end of life needs, ensuring they work closely with the community nurses & palliative care team.

Additional Course Details:

Areas covered within the training day through activity.

Reablement therapeutic approach is about encouraging independence optimising function & ability in the person.

Main focus is that reablement team is about & intense services that will help individuals regain the skills they may have lost while in hospital, to gain confidence which will enable people to stay at home as independently as possible with the support of different health & social care professionals i.e. occupation therapy, Physio, care teams, reablement team, as well as engaging with family, friends and neighbours. (where appropriate)

1. What is the difference between Reablement and Home care

Reablement being an Intensive short term service which can last up to six weeks to help people gain confidence and increase skills to enable them to have a quality of life at a level they had before they were admitted to hospital.  Working alongside other health professionals, i.e. OT, Physio, Care teams, family Friends.  Clarifying that it is not about you as a team doing things for individuals but encouraging people to help themselves with support from this intense service.

2.  Circle of concerns - What are the reablement teams concerns, questions, queries about their role

3. Discharge -  who do they think will be in the reablement Team - OT, SALT, Physio, Fire department, Family, Friends, their agency etc.

4. Meet Joyce - she is being discharged to your reablement team, brief life history, who else will she need support from? Joyce will be a main character reference for the rest of the day. who are they going to engage with on Joyce's reablement.

5. Communication - positive interactions with Team and Joyce. Negative interactions what do these look like, focusing that this is about getting her confident in supporting herself.

6. Person centred care - What does this look like in their service & if they were personally to receive reablement support what would it look like to them

7. Nutrition and Hydration - things we need to be aware of for dietary needs, how can they support Joyce to eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of fluids & who else should they be working with to support Joyce. Accessing equipment she may need to support her, e.g. OT, SALT for cutlery and crockery, food textures, equipment for the kitchen, perching stools etc.   Ways to introduce fluids through food items & ideas of other ways to introduce & increase fluid intake. ( why this is so important towards optimising recover)

8.   Skin & Oral care - encouraging and supporting good mouth/oral care, getting family to support with visit to dentist, home visit, are teeth or dentures in good repair, cleaning mouth/dental care, supporting in how to give oral care not doing for/Chiropody foot care

Regarding skin care/integrity is the footwear suitable for the person, carpets, furniture in correct places, slippery floors, using the support of OT is there any equipment that could be introduced to increase confidence gain & stability. Reduce the chance of slips, trips/falls.

Does their clothing fit well so it won’t gather up and cause irritation and cause a breakdown of skin integrity.

Medication  -  MAR sheets, encouraging people to be independent with medication and electronic equipment available for this support (consequences of medication/ comtra indications

9. Influences - Reablement is about an intense service to get an individual to where they were or near to before they came into hospital, building confidence and enable people to regain the skills they had.  As a support network the reablement team have a positive outlook for the individual to be able to meet their personal reablement objectives and not place our own values onto individuals we are supporting.  individual activity " What's my Problem" reflects on people’s perceptions on what others may feel is a problem when it’s not to the individual.

10. Lone working - Risk assessing being a lone worker, reduce risk for themselves & the client.

11 - report writing - Assumption, speculation, fact, opinion

Throughout the day the group will also reflect/learn about relevant legislation such as GDPR, Care Act 2014, MCA 2005.

If you are interested in booking a space to attend, please contact The Learning Partnership . Alternatively, you can contact Kate Shorthose



Published: 18th September 2023

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