Organisations or groups can apply online for Councillor Grant Funding. The deadline for applications for the first round of funding is 5pm on Sunday 29 May 2022.
Voluntary and community organisations are encouraged to apply for grants from the Warwickshire County Council Councillors’ Grant Fund to support projects that aim to build community capacity and improve the health and wellbeing of people living in Warwickshire.
The application window for the first round of funding from the Councillors' Grant Fund 2022/23 is now open.
The Councillors’ Grant Fund provides each of Warwickshire County Council’s 57 Councillors with an allocated fund of £8,000 each to support small-scale projects within their division that can demonstrate commitment to creating a sustainable future; keeping communities and individuals safe, healthy and independent; and supporting a thriving economy.
All applications should aim to build community capacity and improve the health and wellbeing of people living in Warwickshire, addressing one or more of the following key priority areas:
- Improve community assets and their sustainability
- Improve access to services
- Improve financial capability
- Reduce loneliness and isolation
- Improve physical and/or mental health and wellbeing
- Promote equalities and inclusivity
- Improve the physical environment or reduce the environmental impact
Earlier this year Warwickshire County Council confirmed a change to the amount awarded by each County Councillor, increasing the grant from £6000 to £8000. This provides additional capacity to invest in community-powered solutions as the Council steps forward to harness the power and endeavour of the community spirit shown during the Pandemic.
Cllr Heather Timms, Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate and Culture said: “The Councillor grant is an opportunity for voluntary and community organisations or groups to present local projects and schemes that would benefit from additional funding to their County Councillors.
“We are stepping forward from the challenges of the last two years to really embed a community powered approach that builds on the community spirit we’ve seen during the pandemic. County Councillors are a fundamental link between the Council and our communities and I am delighted that the Councillor Grants have been increased by £2,000, giving Elected Members additional capacity to invest in local community powered solutions.”
“Groups are able to make their applications online and support is available to help them do this so I would urge these organisations or groups to act quickly and apply for this funding before the 29 May deadline.”
Projects supported through the 21/22 fund included the provision of outdoor gym equipment; arts projects including outdoor theatre performances; and supporting community halls and community centres to open and hold activities. Funds were also allocated to provide digital solutions to allow projects and services to continue online during the pandemic.
For more information about the Councillor Grant Fund in Warwickshire and the available funding please visit https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/cllrgrants
Organisations or groups can apply online for Councillor Grant Funding. The deadline for applications for the first round of funding is 5pm on Sunday 29 May 2022.