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Lockdown has been hard for everyone; it has bought out the best of us, and the worst. With everything stopping certain support networks had ceased.

The knock-on effect to this, for people with addiction issues, multiplied. 

People who were winning the fight with their addiction had taken five steps forward six back due to the fear of unknown, the fear of loneliness, boredom, no one to talk to. Face-to-face appointments were just simply not allowed, provision people had put in place to help with on-going maintenance they were unable to use. 

Unfortunately, people lapsed and relapsed, people’s addiction didn’t stop just because of Covid, their addiction still carried on. What to do except think side out the box! 

It has been hard to keep to the structure of a normal face-to-face meeting. However, being on the end of the phone / computer gave people the choice of being seen or not…by being heard, having someone to listen to their day-to-day battle that someone with addiction goes through. Knowing that you are not alone, that there are like-minded people who have been through what you are going through, knowing there’s people who are there to help bounce ideas off each other… 

What works for one may not work for another, it hasn't been easy with modern technology. When it works, it's amazing but at times we have struggled. I feel that SMART online has been a success. We had to think outside the box. I have enjoyed being part of online SMART - where trust, respect, honesty, tears, regret, shame all different emotions are shared in one place.

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Support services

If you or someone you know would like help with drug or alcohol use, a full range of treatments and interventions designed to support you are available for Warwickshire adults, children and young people and their families: 

  • Change Grow Live (CGL) is a free and confidential drug and alcohol service for adults (18yers and over)
  • Compass is a free, confidential substance misuse service for children and young people who need support around their own or another person’s drug or alcohol use. The service works with anyone between 5 and 25 years of age in Warwickshire.

Published: 18th March 2021

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