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Warwickshire’s Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)

Warwickshire Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

The Warwickshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) is a long-term, county-wide plan for investment in walking, wheeling and cycling routes and Active Travel Zones. It was approved by Warwickshire County Council in February 2024.  

The key aim of the Warwickshire LCWIP is, ‘To create a safe and attractive environment for walking, wheeling and cycling, so that they become the natural choices for shorter journeys and outdoor recreation in Warwickshire’.

The LCWIP enables Warwickshire County Council and partners to:

  • Demonstrate a clear commitment to walking, wheeling and cycling, supporting the priorities in the Council Plan and delivering the objectives in the Local Transport Plan and Sustainable Futures Strategy.
  • Build on an exiting programme to improve walking, wheeling and cycling infrastructure.
  • Respond to significant demand by local communities for better facilities.
  • Provide high quality infrastructure to support a growing population.
  • Make a strong case for investment in walking, wheeling and cycling infrastructure.

Warwickshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan

To help you navigate the document, it has been split into three sections:

Part 1 – Introduction. The introduction sets out the background, methodology and extent of Warwickshire’s LCWIP.

LCWIP Part 1: Introduction (PDF, 2.6 MB)

Part 2 – District-wide reports. Each report includes proposed network plans for walking, wheeling and cycling and provides the evidence and information used to develop these. There is a Part 2 report for each of the five districts and boroughs in Warwickshire.  Individual walking and cycling network plans and scheme lists can be viewed separately from bottom of this page. 

Part 3 – Implementation. The implementation section provides a prioritised list of cycling schemes, along with an explanation of the methodology used to prepare these.

LCWIP Part 3: Implementation (PDF, 794 KB)

Consultation and engagement on the Draft Warwickshire Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan

Warwickshire’s first LCWIP builds on previous improvements to walking, wheeling and cycling infrastructure and supports an ongoing programme of safe and active travel initiatives. It updates the recommendations of the 2018 Cycling Infrastructure Task and Finish Group Report.

Between 2021 and 2022, an extensive information gathering exercise was undertaken, involving review, analysis and mapping.  This included over 2,000 comments from local residents on the LCWIP survey and interactive map in Summer 2021.

In Summer 2022, Warwickshire County Council asked local people for feedback on the draft Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.  This included drop-in sessions, an online webinar and online survey, which was completed by over 1,000 people. 

This high response rate demonstrated the level of public interest in active travel in Warwickshire, and ensured that the LCWIP is based on a good understanding of local viewpoints.  Analysis of the responses is set out in the LCWIP Consultation Report

Existing walking and cycling routes

For details of existing walking and cycling routes in Warwickshire’s towns, please visit our cycle routes pages.

For information on the current delivery programme of cycling schemes in Warwickshire, please visit our developing the network pages.

For details of other walking and cycling routes please visit our paths and trails and Country Parks pages.

Active travel initiatives

We are expanding our Active Travel programme to more schools and workplaces. Please visit our Active Travel pages to find out more.

Getting involved

There are a number of local cycle forums in Warwickshire as well as the Warwickshire, Solihull and Coventry Local Access Forum.  To provide specific feedback on schemes and proposals, please get in touch with

LCWIP network plans and lists of prioritised schemes – by borough/ district area

North Warwickshire Borough

Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough

Rugby Borough

Stratford-on-Avon District

Warwick District

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