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Parent carers can now receive general information and advice via the new service, Caring Together Warwickshire. However, if you are a parent or carer caring for a child aged 0-18 who has a disability, you can request a carer’s assessment. This is through the Parent Carer Support Pathway or ask your social worker if you have one. If you have requested a social care assessment for your child or children with a disability, you can request a carer’s assessment at the same time.

Before your assessment it will be useful to think about:

  • How you would describe your caring role
  • If you look after anyone else, for example, family, children
  • Maintaining a habitable home to live in
  • Your ability to go shopping and prepare meals for your family
  • Developing and maintaining family or other significant personal relationships
  • Any affects becoming a carer could have on your job, training, education or volunteering
  • If you have any leisure time
  • Other support available to you or the person you care for

To begin the Parent Carer Support Pathway, speak to your allocated social worker if you have one or contact us by telephone or online.

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