About School Streets

The pilot

Warwickshire County Council is trialling the initiative with Eastlands Primary School, Rugby as our pilot school for the 2023-4 academic year. This scheme is being delivered using an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) which can stay in place for a maximum of 18 months. We will monitor and assess the impact of these changes to decide whether they should be made permanent.

How Schools Streets work

Streets around the pilot school will become a Pedestrian & Cycle Zone for agreed times (of between 30 minutes and 1 hour) at the start and end of the school day. Signs at the entrance to the zone will inform people of these restrictions. Motor vehicles cannot drive in this zone between these times unless they have a permit.

Restriction times

The times will vary at different schools due to different start and finish times. The times for the individual scheme will be included on the signs at the entrance to each zone and will be widely publicised locally. The scheme will only operate during term time (Monday to Friday) unless otherwise stated.

Signage and barriers

There will be gateway signs at the entrance and exit of each zone detailing the times that the restriction is in force, and violation of these restrictions will be an offence. As the closure only applies at certain times when schools are open it is not planned to install any permanent physical barriers, such as bollards. The only infrastructure required for enforcement is signage placed at the entrance and exit of each zone.

Driving children to school 

Parents and others who have to drive are asked to park legally nearby and walk the last part of their journey. Where possible, we are working with schools to identify suitable locations for Park & Stride schemes and/or to develop Walking Buses.

School staff and deliveries 

We are working with the schools involved to try to arrange for staff members or deliveries to use the road outside of the restricted times, or to gain access via alternative routes where possible. Where there are valid reasons why this is not possible, permits can be issued.

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