The new style waymarkers sign paths at the point they leave a tarmac surfaced road. They will also be used along the length of the path to help you follow the correct route across the fields. With over 1,700 miles of public rights of way in Warwickshire, it will take a considerable period of time for the new waymarkers to be installed. For a period of time on footpaths and bridleways, there will be two types of waymarkers. The old style waymarker discs are shown below and these remain valid.

Who can use the paths?
Colour of waymarker arrow Walkers Horse riders Cyclists Non-mechanically propelled vehicles Mechanically propelled vehicles*
Public Footpathpublic footpath


Public Bridlewaypublic bridleway Walker horse rider Cyclist    
Restricted Bywayrestricted bridleway Walker horse rider Cyclist Horse and cart  
Byway byway marker Walker horse rider Cyclist Horse and cart Mechanicall propelled vehicles

*Vehicles must be taxed, insured and have an MOT (if applicable) and drivers must hold a valid driving licence.

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