View petitions

You can:

  • view and sign current petitions
  • submit a new petition

We welcome petitions and recognise that they are an important way in which people can let us know their concerns. Anyone who lives, works or studies in Warwickshire can sign or organise a petition.

Detailed information about petitions and your rights are set out in our WCC petitions scheme (PDF, 116 KB)

Submit a petition

You can submit petitions by creating an e-petition using our e-petitions facility, or by submitting a paper petition to us at:

Democratic Services
Warwickshire County Council
PO Box 9
Shire Hall
CV34 4RR

Petitions should be accompanied by the details of the petition organiser. This is the person we will contact to explain how we will respond to the petition.

When we receive your petition we will contact you within five working days to let you know what the next steps will be.

Everyone who signs the petition must provide a full name, address and postcode for their signature to count.

If you sign an e-petition, only your name will be listed on our e-petitions pages.

What should the petition contain?

Petitions should include a clear statement about what action you want the county council to take. The petition should refer to something which the county council has responsibility for, for example, local libraries, services for young people or road safety.

How many people need to sign the petition?

For the county council to respond to your petition, you must have at least 50 signatures of people who live, work or study in Warwickshire. If you receive 1000 signatures you may present your petition to a council meeting.

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