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In line with the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, Warwickshire County Council and its partners has launched its Safe Accommodation Strategy.
The strategy highlights the provision in Warwickshire to provide a safe haven for victim-survivors over the next three years.
It’s estimated that approximately 4 in 100 people aged 16 or over in England and Wales experienced domestic abuse in 2023*. This equates to 2.1 million people nationally and almost 20,000 residents in Warwickshire.
The Safe Accommodation Strategy focus on five key objectives for victim-survivors and their dependents. These objectives include:
- Early intervention and prevention: that victim-survivors (adults and children) are supported at an early stage and provided with options to remain safe at home to prevent homelessness. This includes holding perpetrators to account for their behaviour.
- Accessible services: that victim-survivors and professionals know how to access safe accommodation options, both within and outside of Warwickshire.
- Appropriate safe accommodation: that accommodation options and appropriate support is in place for all victim- survivors who need it.
- Multi-agency delivery: that victim-survivors needs will be met by effective, collaborative multi-agency support
- Support to return home or move on: that victim-survivors are supported to return home safely and/or move into alternative permanent accommodation.
Cllr Margaret Bell, Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health, said: “Domestic abuse is an insidious crime that leads to long-term damage to people and communities. The Warwickshire Safe Accommodation Strategy 2025 – 2028, highlights a range of options to remain safe at home, or to access suitable alternative safe accommodation and support whilst meeting the requirements as set out in the Safe Accommodation Duty within the Domestic Abuse Act.”
She added: “We extend our personal thanks to everyone who has contributed to developing this strategy and we want to particularly thank those Warwickshire victim-survivors who were brave enough to share their experiences and stories of domestic abuse.”
Since the implementation of the Safe Accommodation Duty Warwickshire has already made a number of improvements to help victim-survivors throughout the county. Some of these are:
- A new children’s service, which works with children and young people, providing support for children aged 4 -17 years old
- The implementation of two dedicated outreach workers to support victim-survivors with accessing safe accommodation in Warwickshire
- Warwickshire Police and it’s specialist Domestic Abuse Rape and serious sexual offences Team (DART) focus on high -risk DA, rape and serious sexual offence cases.
In addition, Warwickshire County Council has also:
- Commissioned a Domestic Abuse Counselling and Therapy service for both adult and child victim survivors.
- Identified gaps in the existing Refuge provision and addressed these via the implementation of the dispersed accommodation service where spaces are suitable for male and LGBT+ victim-survivors, those with disabilities, larger families, those with sons over the age of 14 and those with pets.
- Implemented safe accommodation standards for the refuge provision across the county. This ensures that victim-survivors will be accommodated and in suitable refuge provision and can begin to rebuild their lives.
Warwickshire County Council and partners are thankful for the victim-survivors who shared their stories. The objectives of the strategy will have been met when victim-survivors of all ages access more services, engage with specialist professionals who will have been trained in Domestic Abuse to signpost to specific support and ultimately see a reduction in repeat victimisation from perpetrators.
To see a copy of the Safe Accommodation Strategy please click here.