Find out more about the test and learn pilot of Warwickshire's Family Wraparound Service.
Warwickshire County Council is pleased to announce a two-year ‘test and learn’ service to provide preventative and responsive solutions for families at risk of crisis who have children with social and emotional wellbeing support needs.
Following a competitive procurement process, The Children’s Society (TCS) has been successful in securing the contract to deliver the Warwickshire Family Wraparound Service. The service will initially be available from 1 December 2024 to eligible families who are currently supported by a small number of teams in Warwickshire County Council’s Children and Family Services. As the service develops, more families in different circumstances will have the opportunity to receive wraparound support.
The service will wrap intensive, personalised, flexible support around a family in their home and in community spaces. It will be led by a Family Wraparound Practitioner supported by a team of professionals who can bring different knowledge and skills to best support each member of the family.
The service was designed following research and engagement over a 12-month period. This involved families and practitioners to ensure all views were considered to ensure the support would be offered in the right place, at the right time, and could truly meet needs. During a series of workshops and feedback sessions, those taking part were able to share their stories and talk about some of the barriers they had faced and how they felt.
This early work highlighted the importance of ensuring a service which could; intervene early to identify issues and prevent escalation; provide clear, timely communication; understand the needs, struggles and strengths of families; and provide opportunities for families to inform commissioning decisions.
The service will ensure each member of the family is helped and community networks can be forged so positive impact can be sustained. Building and restoring trust between family members, professionals and other members of the community will be a key element of the service offer. It will also strengthen multi-agency teams around families and join-up with existing services to ensure effective and coordinated support.
Warwickshire County Councillor Sue Markham, Portfolio Holder for Children and Families said: “The Family Wraparound Service will support our child friendly ambitions to help children be as happy and healthy as possible. I look forward to seeing the positive difference this will make to families.
“This new service complements the council’s ongoing work to transform services for children, putting families first - at the heart of decision-making and equipped with tools to build on their strengths and relationships to find solutions to any problems they may face.”
A spokesperson from The Children’s Society added: “We are excited to work with Warwickshire County Council in launching the Family Wraparound Service—a proactive initiative designed to provide tailored support for families facing challenges. Together, we are committed to ensuring every family receives the right help at the right time, supporting them to forge stronger connections and embed lasting well-being for all."
Find out more about Warwickshire County Council support for children and families at www.warwickshire.gov.uk/childrenandfamilies.