Warwickshire Libraries are very pleased to announce two events showcasing items from their local studies collections.
Warwickshire Libraries are very pleased to announce two events showcasing some of the most interesting items from the local studies collections at Leamington and Rugby Libraries on Saturday 30 November.
For more than 100 years, both libraries have amassed fascinating collections of material, and the library teams are looking forward to sharing some of the most interesting items with visitors.
At Leamington Library, Local Studies Librarian, Judith Harridge, will be on hand to talk briefly about the collection and then delve into some of the most interesting items in more detail. Judith’s choices cover theatre flyers, house particulars, school magazines and much more.
Louise Essex, Senior Librarian, Local Studies, will be at Rugby Library to show some of the items about Rugby and its villages. There will be a display of photographs, along with estate catalogues, flyers for local events including the Rugby steeplechase, the 1941-1944 street directories, and more.
There are several bookable free sessions throughout the day. Sessions last for 45 minutes; places are limited to 10 per session and are bookable via Eventbrite for Leamington Library here and Rugby Library here.
Cllr Yousef Dahmash, Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation, said:
"I'm delighted that Warwickshire Libraries will be showcasing items from their collections that people don’t usually get to see and might be surprised by.
“The beauty of the collections is that they include items that, in their time, were useful for that short period. But local people or librarians have kept them over the years - and so we get a glimpse into the past from a small business card or a flyer from 200 years ago.”
For further information contact Louise Essex, Senior Librarian - Local Studies, based at Nuneaton Library on 01926 413676 or Judith Harridge, Librarian - Local Studies, based at Leamington Library on 01926 743734.