Anyone living in Warwickshire who has experience of adult social care is invited to share their involvement and views at the next Over a Brew online event on 14 November from 12:30 to 2:00pm.
Warwickshire County Council’s (WCC) Over a Brew online events are a great opportunity to hear from people with lived experience of adult social care services now or in the past. Through open, honest conversations and by considering the needs and perspective of everyone involved, Warwickshire’s adult social care services can improve and be the best it can be.
The last Over a Brew event focused on the benefits of working together - coproduction and the language used in social care, and how it makes people feel. This sparked useful conversations from people who have experience of social care and staff around the power of language and how it can impact on people's experience.
The next Over a Brew event will focus on the importance of relationships in social care and coproduction and how positive relationships are fundamental to providing the highest quality of care.
All who join the next session can choose to listen or share their experiences which will help WCC improve its relationships with individuals accessing adult social care and help to work in equal partnership to improve services.
This online event is supported by the Curators of Change team who have a wealth of experience in coproduction and have been working with other local authorities to learn different ways of working with people who access care and support.
Cllr Margaret Bell, Portfolio Holder responsible for Adult Social Care & Health said:
“We are committed to improving relationships, so we want to hear from and work alongside all those who have experience of adult social care to ensure we are working together to improve our services.
“These online events are a great opportunity to hear from people who currently access or have accessed our services and who are best placed to advise on what support and services they need which will make a positive difference to their lives and help us to continue to lead the way in co-production.”
Over a brew online events are free to attend book a ticket here Over a Brew with Warwickshire County Council at Online event tickets from TicketSource
For more information about working together to improve adult social care services, please visit: Find out more about working together to improve Adult Social Care services.
For general information about wider services to support adults in Warwickshire go to www.warwickshire.gov.uk/livingwell.