Warwickshire County Council is warning drivers of a scam in which motorists are falsely being targeted via email with Penalty Charge Notices for parking offences.
Residents have contacted local councillors highlighting emails which contain a link to a site where they can make the payment. Other residents are also being contacted via text with a similar scam around off-street parking in Warwick District Council’s car parks. The County Council is issuing the following advice to clarify the situation.
Warwickshire County Council does not send text messages regarding payment of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs). PCNs are issued by affixing the notice to the vehicle's windscreen unless a Civil Enforcement Officer is prevented from issuing it, in which case the notice is sent by post.
When a notice is issued, the council does not know whose vehicle it is.
If the charge remains unpaid (or has not been successfully challenged) after 28 days following its issue, the council obtains details (name and address) of the registered keeper from the DVLA. Then a Notice to Owner is sent by post.
The Council does not know the vehicle owner’s phone number or email address, unless they later contact us and provide such information.
When a PCN has been issued by Warwickshire County Council, the way to pay online is at www.warwickshire.gov.uk/parking (as well by post or telephone), and this information is provided printed on the Notice or in the Notice sent by post.
It is always advisable to avoid clicking links in unsolicited messages, and instead refer to the body or company that has supposedly sent the message for clarification. Further information to protect yourself from scams can be found at www.gov.uk then searching ‘phishing'.
Cllr Jan Matecki portfolio holder said: “This scam which attempts to trick residents into paying fines for parking is despicable and I cannot stress enough that residents should not click on the link or engage with it.
“Genuine Penalty Charge Notices, issued by the County Council only ever take the form of a notice issued to the vehicle. We do not contact the vehicle owner until either the deadline for payment of the PCN has passed or they contact us. I urge residents to share this information in their communities to get the message out more widely and help to protect their friends and neighbours against this scam.”