
Planned development on Wheat Street to reduce congestion and improve traffic flows in Nuneaton town centre is set to continue. The planned works support the Transforming Nuneaton programme.

Funding has been secured from developer infrastructure contributions to enable the Wheat Street scheme to progress.  The county is working to secure the land necessary to bring forward the improvements.  

This is a critical piece in the Transforming Nuneaton jigsaw as it will enable traffic to move out of the town centre and towards the roundabout due to be built on Leicester Road in coming years.  Toucan crossings and a segregated route will also improve facilities for all road users and connectivity with the railway station. 

There has been recent Speculation that future plans for Corporation Street would see the removal of the Dandelion Fountain on the roundabout. There are no current plans to remove the fountain.  

Cllr Jan Matecki, Warwickshire County Council’s portfolio holder for transport and planning, said: “I’m delighted that the Wheat Street scheme looks set to be continued, this is integral in getting traffic away from the town centre and supporting pedestrian and cycling access. Transforming Nuneaton is about a bright and positive future for the town centre, and this scheme will play an important part in making this happen.” 

Further information can be found here  

Published: 10th June 2024

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