Pictured: Sir William Matthew Dugdale and Kay Alexander MBE at Mary Ann Evans Hospice

Across Warwickshire people have been making the world a greener place by planting trees for The Queen’s Green Canopy...

Across Warwickshire people have been making the world a greener place by planting trees for The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) - a national tree planting project to honour The Queen’s 70 years on the throne, and to benefit current and future generations.  

In Nuneaton, former BBC presenter, Kay Alexander, MBE (pictured), Sir William Dugdale (pictured), Brian Conway, and staff planted a small deciduous Amelanchier tree in the gardens at Mary Ann Evans Hospice. 

Kay Alexander MBE, said:

“We were delighted to support both the Queen’s Green Canopy and the Mary Ann Evans Hospice by purchasing a tree to be planted in the hospice’s gardens. This is not only a green and physical tribute to Her Majesty the Queen’s 70 years on the throne, but also a lovely way to celebrate the achievement and memory of the work of Mary Ann over the last 30 years, and a trust in the growth and development of the work for the future”.

Liz Hancock, Chief Executive at Mary Ann Evans Hospice, added:

“At Mary Ann we recycle as much as we can, our retail shops reuse and resell items which may have gone to landfill, and we also have solar panels on one of our buildings. We are blessed with some wonderful gardens, so this tree, and all it represents, will make a wonderful addition”. 

Meanwhile, in Kingsbury, north Warwickshire, North Warwickshire MP Craig Tracey was joined by Kingsbury School Headteacher Martin Clarke and pupils, to plant a Sorbus Aria (common name: Whitebeam) in a specially designated science and sustainability garden within the school grounds, which will be named the ‘Jubilee Garden’. The tree, which was kindly donated by Sir William Dugdale, is expected to grow to a height of 7m and a width of 5m, over the next twenty years.  

The school plans to grow vegetables and fruit in the garden, which will also provide a haven for birds, butterflies and other wildlife.  

Martin Clarke, Kingsbury School Headteacher, said:

“It’s a privilege to take part in the QGC initiative so that our school can mark the special occasion of Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee.  The young people in our school are the future generations for our planet and so it is important that they can also be part of an initiative that is contributing to sustainability.  Following the COP26 Conference, it is so important to raise awareness of climate change and the actions people can take to make a difference in conserving our planet. Every tree that is planted through this initiative will make a difference and we are proud to be part of it.” 

Cllr Heather Timms, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Heritage, Culture and the Environment, said:

“This is a wonderful initiative which not only celebrates Her Majesty the Queen’s long reign, but also helps to tackle climate change and will leave a legacy for people in Warwickshire to enjoy for generations to come. Everyone can get involved - whether you have space for an individual sapling, or a larger woodland project - every tree really does count.” 

The QGC was launched earlier this year and encourages everyone to plant a tree for the Jubilee. With a focus on planting sustainably, the QGC is a national project to create a legacy in honour of The Queen’s 70 years on the throne, to benefit current and future generations.   

Everyone from individuals to organisations and community groups is being asked to plant a tree to mark the long and historic reign of The Queen.   

Although the big event doesn’t start until next year, tree planting season is now upon us, running from October 2021 until March 2022. There is plenty of planting advice and tips on the QGC website for both the novice and the more green fingered gardener to ensure the best choice of healthy native trees that will thrive in their environments: https://queensgreencanopy.org/  

Once a tree is planted, it can be added to the QGC map - a digital record of the Jubilee tree planting projects across the UK, enabling participants to celebrate their contribution and inspire others to start planting.  

Published: 26th November 2021

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