Great news for residents, businesses and visitors to Stratford as the Birmingham Road Improvement Scheme begins.
Work commenced this week on the Birmingham Road improvement scheme on the section between Windsor Street to the Arden Street junction and is expected to last 10 weeks.
The work is the first phase of the £6.5m scheme to make improvements from Windsor Street to the A46 roundabout, bringing cycling, pedestrian and vehicle access improvements along the full length of the Birmingham Road.
The work was initially due to start in March but, following national guidance around the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines and maintaining access to vaccination centres, the County Council, in consultation with local partners, took the decision to delay it to support the work of the vaccination centre which was along the route.
Councillor Wallace Redford, portfolio holder for Transport and Planning said: “I am delighted to see the Birmingham Road improvement scheme begin. This first phase of the scheme will see the creation of a two-way cycle lane, improved crossing facilities, new paving and surfacing throughout, creating a much more pleasant gateway to the town centre.
“The benefits are twofold. Creating a more pleasant gateway to the town centre will support the local economy, attracting visitors and those making return visits. The improvements for cycling and pedestrian access will also reduce congestion and support improved air quality in and around the town centre. The county council is committed to creating and sustaining a vibrant economy while having climate change and the need to address that at the heart of everything that we do. This scheme does both.
“This is an exciting project that will bring improvements for pedestrians and all road users.”
Works to the rest of the road are in detailed design stage and will be implemented during 2022. Careful consideration is being given to the timing of those works to ensure that, with other road works being carried out on many of the main arteries into Stratford in the next year, traffic congestion and inconvenience is kept to a minimum.
You can view the scheme drawing detail and keep up to date on progress by visiting www.warwickshire.gov.uk/birminghamroadstratford