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Section 278 works associated with Developer Funded housing

As part of the planning condition granted by Warwick District Council a section 278 agreement (s278) has been entered into with Warwickshire County Council (WCC). 

A section 278 agreement is a section of the Highways Act 1980 that allows house builders/developers to enter into a legal agreement with WCC (as the highway authority) to make permanent alterations or improvements to the public highway as part of planning if required.

Examples of work covered by a s278 agreement include: 

  • New access or changed access into a housing development site (a bell mouth, roundabout, signalised junction, right turn lane or a simple priority junction).
  • Installation of new traffic signals or alteration of signalised crossings or junctions close to a housing development site.

The development - site access

Access into the new Taylor Wimpey housing development will be via a new priority junction on the realigned A4177 Birmingham Road - see drawing no. S278-100R S278 General Arrangement Layout (PDF, 4.5 MB).

All the works on the A4177, Birmingham Road are being carried out under a s278 agreement which has been signed between the developer, Taylor Wimpey and Warwickshire County Council.

WCC have carried out the technical review of the highways works and have appointed one of their framework contractors, McPhillips Ltd. to carry out the construction works on behalf of WCC.

We will add further information on timelines, traffic management and any road closures when that information becomes available.

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