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Paying for short breaks

Warwickshire County Council fund a range of targeted and specialist short break activities in Warwickshire. This funding, along with a provider’s own fundraising activities, enables subsidised places to be offered to disabled children and young people. This is so parent carers, carers or those with parental responsibility do not pay more than a non-disabled child accessing a similar type of service. Providers will make families aware of any charge to take part in their activities.

Short breaks funding can come in two different forms, either a commissioned package of care or a direct payment. Direct payments are a cash amount based on the amount agreed in personal budgets so that carers can arrange and pay for social care support instead of the council arranging services. They will be paid on a prepaid card if it is an ongoing payment or into a bank account for one-off payments.

Direct payments offer greater flexibility, choice and control than support being arranged for. It is the young person’s family or carer’s choice if they want to have direct payments, but the council must be satisfied that all parties understand what it involves and the way the cash is used will meet the needs and achieve the agreed outcomes. The way payments are used must be legal and keep the child or young person safe and well.

A commissioned service means care and support has been arranged and paid for on an individual’s behalf by Warwickshire County Council. An Individual might have to make a means-tested contribution to the cost of the service, but the council makes the arrangements, and the contract is between the council and the care/support provider.

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